
Are you looking to transform your health?

I like to think that I eat pretty well, I mean, I try to eat fruits and veggies everyday. But to be completely honest...somedays are harder than others. 

It is recommended by the USDA that we get an average of  2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables daily. This can be hard to get all of that into one day! 

Shakeology is complete nutrition for your body.  Drinking a shakeology is like eating all of this:

  • ONE BOWL of exotic fruit – including gogi and acai berries...
  • FOUR CUPS of raw broccoli
  • SEVEN WHOLE carrots
  • TEN CUPS of raw cauliflower
  • THREE CUPS of romaine lettuce
  • FOUR CUPS of uncooked mushrooms
  • THREE RAW onions
  • ONE CUP of peas
  • FOUR CUPS of red radishes
  • FOUR CUPS of nonfat yogurt
  • ONE SHOT of wheat grass one meal.  That tastes like drinking a chocolate, vanilla or strawberry milkshake! 
Shakeology is all natural with no preservatives or artificial sweetners or flavors.  It contains 70+ superfood ingredients that your body needs to perform at optimal health. 

Shakeology is derived from whole-food sources—all-natural foods that still maintain the vitamins, minerals, and fiber often stripped from highly processed foods and other shakes on the market. Here are the different kinds of nutrients you’ll find in a glass of Shakeology, each one working synergistically to promote optimal daily health.

Shakeology is good for you, and good for everyone, because everyone's diet is deficient in some of the key nutrient groups packed into just one serving.  

Protein from whey, which is highly absorb-able, gives you 8 essential amino acids that help you build muscle, lose weight, support brain function, and keep your skin and bones healthy.

Vitamins and minerals support optimum health.

Antioxidants boost the immune system and help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, blood pressure, and stroke.

Phytonutrients support immune function and have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Prebiotics support digestive and immune health.

Digestive enzymes help in the digestion of foods and increase the absorption rate of those foods for optimum health.

What can Shakeology do for you?

It is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be healthy!  Shakeology can help you reduce cravings, promote healthy digestion, and regularity. Shakeology recommends that you replace one meal per day with a shake along with regular exercise and a balanced diet, participants who did this experienced remarkable health improvements.  It can reduce your total cholesterol, reduce LDL cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular risk, and reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals. 

Why Shakeology?

I love Shakeology because I am a busy parent and it is a quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition. In my first 5 days of drinking Shakeology, I was able to kick my sugar habit. It also makes me feel more energy  - to help keep up with the kids and my hectic lifestyle.  It is also easier to make and tastier than a salad, and it is an excellent way to eat healthy when eating a full meal is not possible.  If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables then this is a great way to get all the benefits of eating a full bowl of fruits and vegetables without having to actually eat them.  If you have high cholesterol then this will help you lower total and LDL as well. 

How to use it.

It's very simple. 

Mix 1 scoop of Shakeology with 8 oz. of water.  If you like, add ice.  Or if you want something more filling and maybe even more satisfying, blend your Shakeology with ice and unsweetened almond, rice, or soy milk.  Shakeology dissolves easily, but blending it will give it a thicker, creamier texture.  Honestly, when I make my shakeology I always add about 4 oz of almond milk and  8 ounces of water because I like mine a little less thick!  The more liquid you add the thinner it gets!! :)   

And you can add in fruits and veggies too if you want to get an extra boost of healthy foods...and I often add peanut butter or mint extract to change my flavor too!

Ways to try Shakeology:
1.  Email or message me for a sample of Shakeology.
2.  You can purchase a week's worth of samples from me to try out Shakeology and see if its the right fit for you for $35.
3.  You can purchase a Shakeology cleanse for $55 to jump start your weight loss program or break a plateau.
4.  You can sign up for Shakeology HD (home direct) which gives your free shipping and automatically ships your Shakes to you each month.  You can cancel at any time with no questions asked.  There is also a 30-day money back bottom of the bag guarantee.  If for any reason you do not like the shake you can return the empty bag for a full refund. 
5.  You can purchase Shakeology in the bag or 24 individual serving sizes, both are the same price.  With individual serving sizes you can have an assortment of Greenberry and Chocolate, Chocolate and Vanilla, and now Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate AND new is the CafĂ© Latte flavor – YUM!!!
6. You can purchase Shakeology with a workout program - and practically get a workout program for FREE...ask me how!

What do you get for your purchase of Shakeology HD?
Your first Shakeology order not only comes with a month's supply of shakeology. 
You receive a calendar of 30 different ways to make each flavor.. 
You receive super discounted shipping when you sign up for Home Direct. 
You not only get a shake but you get a nutrient rich meal that you do not have to worry about creating yourself!

To order your healthiest meal of the day, click on the picture below!